Green Trade Finance represents an evolution of traditional Trade Finance, incorporating environmental concerns into international trade transactions.
Read MoreIn February 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted a significant revision of the MiFIR Regulation and the MiFID II Directive, which govern investment services and financial market activities [...]
Read More(Français) La digitalisation rapide du secteur financier a apporté de nombreux avantages, mais elle a également exposé les entreprises à des risques technologiques accrus tels que les cyberattaques, les pannes [...]
Read MoreMaster Data Management (MDM) is an essential process for all companies in the financial sector seeking to fully leverage their data potential.
Read More(Français) Chez DEVLHON Consulting, nous sommes convaincus que l'excellence réglementaire est essentielle pour la pérennité et la performance des entreprises.
Read More(Français) Chez DEVLHON Consulting, nous comprenons l'importance cruciale de la conformité en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme (LCB-FT) dans le secteur du Trade [...]
Read More(Français) Chez DEVLHON Consulting, nous croyons fermement que la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE) et le Développement Durable (DD) sont des piliers essentiels pour la performance globale et durable des [...]
Read MoreWe are excited to announce the upcoming publication of our articles based on the 2023 ACPR Annual Report.
Read MoreOn Thursday, May 30, 2024, the European Union officially approved the implementation of the final batch of Basel III rules, a set of stricter bank capital standards, starting in January [...]
Read MoreITS (Implementing Technical Standards) and RTS (Regulatory Technical Standards) are two types of standards issued by European regulatory authorities, such as the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities [...]
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