
Decoding the AMF Study on Bond Market Transparency

In February 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted a significant revision of the MiFIR Regulation and the MiFID II Directive, which govern investment services and financial market activities [...]

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The Data Office and the Chief Data Officer: Roles, Responsibilities

In the banking sector, the Data Office and the role of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) have become essential for effective data management.

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The Race to Prepare for DORA

(Français) La digitalisation rapide du secteur financier a apporté de nombreux avantages, mais elle a également exposé les entreprises à des risques technologiques accrus tels que les cyberattaques, les pannes [...]

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Mergers and Acquisitions Market Recovery: Forecasts and Perspectives

The high expectations for a resurgence in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in January quickly gave way to rising uncertainties.

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The Importance of Master Data Management for Financial Sector Companies

Master Data Management (MDM) is an essential process for all companies in the financial sector seeking to fully leverage their data potential.

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 Service Offering: Correspondent Banking AML

At DEVLHON Consulting, our specialized consultants work on AML (Anti-Money Laundering) projects in correspondent banking for international banking groups.

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Climate Risk Supervision: A Crucial Issue for the ACPR in 2023

In 2023, the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) continued to strengthen its initiatives in sustainable finance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with a particular focus on the [...]

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(Français) Présentation de l’offre Excellence Réglementaire de DEVLHON Consulting

(Français) Chez DEVLHON Consulting, nous sommes convaincus que l'excellence réglementaire est essentielle pour la pérennité et la performance des entreprises.

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Supervision of Crypto-Assets – ACPR 2023 Annual Report

(Français) L'année 2023 a marqué une avancée significative dans la supervision des crypto-actifs, un secteur en pleine croissance mais également porteur de nombreux risques.

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DEVLHON Consulting Deciphers: Preparing for the Entry into Force of AMLA

The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) is a priority for financial authorities worldwide.

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